- Last update : September 7th 2017
Richard Milne transcribed Andrew Hewson's "How the Hell" columns from issues
#91 and
- May 14th 2016
Site has been recovered from various wayback images and re-uploaded to the web at sinclairuser.com after Dave Foreman left the scene.
- May 22nd 2004
Just one article as the result of another request, this time from the User of the Month in issue 29, Paul Brown. He wrote the archaeology program Pitcalc, which is still going strong in Shropshire. A PC version is in the works, and a tzx file of the original program (courtesy of Gilby at the TZX vault), instruction booklet and press cuttings should be on the site soon.
- February 21st 2004
Just one article as the result of a request - the User of the Month in issue 30, a psychologist who used the Spectrum for part of his research on intelligence. As a result, he had to play Manic Miner extensively. Yeah, right.
- January 1st 2004
Issue 50 added this time - SU Classics for Quazatron, Turbo Esprit, Batman and The Last Word, all the usual other stuff and the news item on Amstrad killing off the QL.
I've also added a couple of bits from issue 57 - an article on games designers/software houses and the news, since there's been a bit of a discussion on the newsgroup about the (in)famous Harry Price.
I forgot last time to thank John Gilbert, he of the Factor, for mailing to say he liked the site. So, errr, thanks John. Sadly, since he wrote, work has ground almost to a halt but it's nothing to do with him. Just me being lazy and going to the pub too often.
And finally, a happy and peaceful new year to everyone.
- February 22nd 2003
I'm still here. Far too boring to tell you where I've been, so ... here's some stuff. Issue 49 with five-star reviews of Spitfire 40, Animator 1 and Laser Basicalong with several pages on the 128 launch and associated software. More Hewson's Helplines as well, from issues 22 to 36 inclusive.
There are also some articles which followed on from the sale to Amstrad - a look back on Clive and Sinclair Research plus a feature on the Loki appear in issue 51, various programmer's views on the Loki in issue 52 and an interview with Clive himself in issue 53.
Lastly, some updated links appear below, notably a couple of new mags which appeared a while ago now - in case you haven't seen them, ZX Format and UGVM. The Sinclair FAQ page has had an extensive update as well. That's it - hopefully, the next update on this site will occur in considerably less than a year.
- May 18th 2002
Not much to show after three months - too busy giving up smoking - but here's issue 48 in all its glory, including the arrival of the 128, an article on hacking and SU Classics for Movie, Forbidden Planet, Desert Rats, Worm in Paradise, Supercharge (QL) and on the hardware side, the Currah μSource. I've also added one more Hewson's Helpline from issue 21.
- February 20th 2002
No complete issue this time, but instead - following a flood of requests (well, two) - the first twenty "Hewson's Helplines" from issues 1 to, ah, 20. I can still only understand the odd sentence. They were also a positive joy to proof-read, so if anyone spots any mistakes, please let me know. Also, I finally got hold of a copy of number 89, which means all the issues are now indexed and the covers page is complete (if now decidedly over 1.5Mb).
Finally, Rebecca Ferguson (reviewer on issues 16 to 23) got in touch to point out that Sid Smith, the first program reviewer on SU and Sinclair Programs before going on to work for Micronet, recently won a Whitbread award. For a novel about China despite never having visited the country, apparently.
- December 15th 2001
Added a couple of items on the Hobbit following emails from the guy who designed it, Dmitry Mikhilov and a friend and colleague from the InterCompex, Vassilii Khachaturov. These appeared in issues 126 and 127 and, being near the end of the magazine's life, are rather short (one page each). Also, I forgot to mention last time that a new issue of YS3 had appeared. And finally, as there's every possibility that not much will be done on the site over the next week or two, Merry Christmas!
- November 25th 2001
Issue 47 added; SU Classics for Enigma Force, Lord of the Rings and Three Weeks in Paradise; reviews of the Spectrum 128 and the AMX mouse; Andrew Hewson on the use of the printer buffer and a feature on how playing games sends you barmy. Also, as someone was asking about PAW tutorials on the newsgroup a while back, the PAW series in issues 128 to 132 is now available. Two extra links added - David Tolley's magazine archive at old-computer-mags.co.uk, which is well worth a look - and finally, I got around to doing a covers page in common with Crash and YSRNY. Thrill once more at the vicar, the morris dancer and the acting ability of the bloke under attack from aliens. Be warned though - it's about 1.5MB. And finally, happy birthday to World of Spectrum - six years old today and going from strength to strength. Thanks Martijn.
- September 9th 2001
Issue 46 added; SU Classics for Wham! The Music Box, Tau Ceti, Surfchamp, Spellbound, Spectrum Forth Converter (no, really) and Robin of Sherlock; further excerpts from the Sinclair biography; Mastertronic interview and a feature on Micronet 800. Another batch of indexes as well - 107, 116, 117, 122, 124, 125 ..... come in issue 89, your time is up. Finally, in my long-running "Dave Can't Make Out Numbers" competition, last time I said the index for 113 had been added - it's been there for months. I meant 114. Hey, I work with computers; it happens all the time.
- August 11th 2001
Finally. Issue 45 is now online, with SU classics for Tomahawk, Back to Skool, Shadow of the Unicorn and Fairlight, features on Delta 4 and St Brides, and excerpts from the Clive Sinclair biography; the indexes for 113, 115, 119, 129 and 133 are also up. Thanks to Jim Grimwood and his mighty transcription powers, the series on machine code published in issues 38 through to 47 is also available. Finally, the first of the big archives has had a revamp - Chris Owen has launched Planet Sinclair 3, and it's well worth a look.
- June 5th 2001
No update to this site, but in case you missed it Nick Humphries and Gerard Sweeney have launched The Tipshop, which aims to collate all the hacks, tips, pokes, etc. for Spectrum and SAM games. Including those from Sinclair User, of course.
- May 13 2001
One issue added : no. 44, November 1985 - news on the Spectrum 128 launch in Spain; an SU Classic for Elite; and features on the MUD and also Gargoyle Games. Again, there would have been more, but it recently stopped raining here for the first time since September and I've therefore spent some time going out of the house. Blimey.
- Apr 6 2001
One issue added : no. 43, October 1985 - news on the split with Maxwell and the Dixons deal, QL price cuts; SU Classics for Way of the Exploding Fist, The Art Studio, Sorderon's Shadow and Match Point (QL); and a feature on Hewson Consultants. There would have been some more, but I've been mucking about with Taper and MakeTZX trying to convert some software for Andy Barker's STP and MIA projects.
- Mar 13 2001
Two issues added : no. 3, June 1982, for which I am indebted to Bill Scolding, editor of this august publication from issue 23 to 50 and also designer during the early editions in his previous incarnation of William Scolding - yet still alive and well and living in Cornwall. Not only did he send me issue 3, but also took the trouble to write and say he likes the site. Thanks Bill. (He also hoped some of the early covers would have vanished into obscurity. No such luck.) No. 3 includes a first review of the Spectrum.
There's also no. 42, September 1985 - an SU Classic for The Artist, a preview of Fairlight and an interview with Torus - the index for issue 123 and some extra links in the index.
- Feb 11 2001
One new issue added - no. 41, August 1985 with SU Classics for Tapper and Dun Darach, and an interview with Legend Software. Also, someone mentioned crosswords a long time ago - so I've added a few early ones - from issues 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41. You need Java for the interactive bit, but there are printable versions as well. I'm personally crap at this sort of thing and have to use a dictionary to do the coffee time one in the Sun.
- Jan 28 2001 : More indexes - 110 to 113, 118, 120, 121, 126 to 128, 130 to 132 and 134, which completes all the issues I have at the moment; another request, the choose a paragraph adventure 'Dean the Barbarian' from issue 81; and the final editorial from issue 134. Also belatedly added a link to Russ Tayler's Golden Years site in the Sinclair Resources bit below; a cracking read. Although I still believe most strongly that he should not have been allowed to include Save Your Love in the 1983 singles list.
- Jan 14 2001 : No features added again this week - just indexes, this time 101 to 110 (except for 107, which I still haven't got). I also went through all the cover thumbnails and hopefully knocked a couple of K off each one.
- Jan 7 2001 : Happy New Year! Strangely, not much has happened over Christmas what with the turkey and lager and all, so the only additions this week are the index pages for issues 94 through 100 - and another request, the results of the Worst Game Competition in issue 80.
- Dec 21 2000 : As it was requested, seasonal (well, a bit), and I didn't go to the pub as much as is usual the week before Christmas, added the festive quiz from issue 58. The issue 58 that came out in January 1987, that is to say.
- Dec 17 2000 : Letters pages added for issues 21 to 40. As there's every possibility that not much will be done on the site over the next week, Merry Christmas!
- Dec 10 2000 : In response to a request for the letters pages, made a start and added issues 1, 2 and 4 to 20.
- Dec 3 2000 : Indexes for 63 to 88, and 90 to 93 added. Also this incredibly detailed and informative update page, and the Freefind search engine.
- Nov 2000 : Indexes for 41 to 62 added.
- Sep 2000 : Issues 1, 4, 5 and 34 to 40 added.
- May 2000 : Issues 25 to 33 added.
- Feb 2000 : First issues up - number 2, and 6 to 24.
Main index
SUMO © Dave Foreman