Issue 47 February 1986
Bill Scolding
Deputy editor
John Gilbert
Staff writers
Chris Bourne
Clare Edgeley
Gareth Jones
Editorial secretary
Norisah Fenn
Adventure writers
Richard Price
Gordo Greatbelly
Andrew Hewson
Hardware Correspondent
John Lambert
Business Correspondent
Mike Wright
Nicole Segre
Jerry Muir
Megan Jones
Marcus Jeffery
Advertisement manager
Louise Fanthorpe
Deputy Advertisement manager
Shahid Nizam
Advertisement sales executive
Kathy McLennan
Production assistant
Jim McClure
Advertisement secretary
Linda Everest
Subscriptions manager
Carl Dunne
Neil Wood
Sinclair User is published monthly by EMAP Business and Computer Publications
Cover illustration Paul Barnes for Digital Integration
Computer Crazy
Are you going mad? Some doctors think computers drive you round the bend
Machine code
Marcus Jeffery concludes his series
All you ever wanted to know and more about flying the world's most lethal helicopter
AMX Mouse
Become an artist with the mouse
Back-up your programs to disc
Spectrum 128
The 128 is here. John Lambert gets his hands on this elusive machine
Saga2+ keyboard
Try out the new, slimmed down and cheaper version of the Saga 3 Elite
Seiko RC-1000 wrist terminal
Is it a watch? Is it a computer? Plug in to find out
Is the QL a sinking ship?
It would seem not. John Gilbert looks at sales, software and utilities
A book-keeping system to keep your business on its toes
Super Arcadia
BMX Burner and Grid Racer. A package of two games which leave much to be desired
QL Flight Simulator
Learn to fly in easy stages and pilot your QL around the world
Alec the Malevolent and his droids are attacking! Battle positions everyone! We have annotated the listing to explain what each section does, as you type it in.
Blast the Tripods with rockets in a last ditch attempt to save your race in this exciting machine code game
Gladiator quiz
Every gladiator should have a favoured weapon. Sharpen your wits and leap into the arena to win the prize of a genuine Wilkinson sword
Zap Chat
Top 30
Hewson's Helpline
Andrew Hewson explains the use of the printer buffer
Adventure Helpline
Sinclair Surgery
Software Directory
Next Month
If you would like to contribute to Sinclair User please send programs or articles to:
Sinclair User
EMAP Business and Computer Publications
Original programs should be on cassette and articles should be typed. Please write Program Printout on the envelopes of all cassettes submitted. We pay £20 for each program printed and £50 for star programs.
Typeset by
Saffron Graphics Ltd.
Printed by
Peterboro' Web
Distributed by
EMAP Publications Ltd.
© Copyright 1986
Sinclair User
ISSN No. 0262-5458