Issue 114 August 1991
Garth "Cuban Heels" Sumpter
Design editor
Andrea "Overtime" Walker
Yvette "Vegetable rights & peace!" Nicholls
Staff writers
Steve "Sun burn" Keen
Matt "Yo babe!" Regan
SU Crew
Alan "Back to my place" Dykes
Graham "Diamond" Mason
Advertisement manager
Jerry "Sun tan" Hall
Ad production
Jo "Trainee" Gleissner
Marketing Dept
Marc "Goodtimes" Swallow
Sarah "0898" Ewing
Sarah "I've got a secret" Hilliard
Graham "No expense spared" Taylor
Managing Director
Terry "Organised" Pratt
SAM FAMOUS FIVE | Enigma Variations |
GRYZOR | Hit Squad |
SAM KLAX | Tengen |
L.E.D. STORM | Kixx |
MULTIMIXX 3 | Kixx |
MYSTICAL | Infogrames |
RED HEAT | Hit Squad |
STACK UP | Zeppelin |
As long as FAB games are out there SU'll get 'em down on tape just for you!
MAZE CHASE, BACKGAMMON, SPECTRAL PANIC, KNIGHT DRIVER, DI-LITHIUM LIFT and the prize game this month, the fabulous underwater graphics adventure HYDROFOOL. And don't forget TIPS AMAZING and true to form the Captain's POKES!
Reader's Letters
You, our illustrious readers, get your say in this month's postbag.
Suck Up
Scrounge some software from the SU vaults or just cry on our shoulder with our crazy insane freebie software giveaway!
Hacking Squad
You said you wanted even MORE and so this month there's an incredible FIVE pages of the SQUAD including the complete solution to Slightly Magic and Nightbreed plus all the usual cheats and hacks!
The Sorceress is here again to take you firmly in her hands and lead you through the adventure labyrinth.
Get real and get ahead with another fab competition. Why not see what's going for free?
Coin Ops
We hope you've been saving your pocket money 'coz there's plenty of action of down at the arcade.
Chris Jenkins plasters his face to the windows again and his snout in all the right places to bring you the fun, the cute and often the weird!
Next Month
And if you're still salivating you can get a glimpse of what's on next month, see ya then!
Cap'n Sumpter, endowed with the mind of an elephant, unfortunately trapped inside the body of an old scrooge, has gone on a money collecting rampage this month. The Editor who claims to manage more debt in his undies (he hates banks) than the International Monetary Fund does, has decided to pull his pants down and rake in the dosh. Amid howls of dismay from Staff Writers and Sanitary Engineers alike who claim that the whole affair smells a bit fishy, Garth continues to pursue the unfeasably large wads he "definitely knows" are owed to him.
Fave Games: SWIV, Heroquest. |
Child prodigy Steve, first famous at the tender age of five when his song "I'll be Your Long Haired Lover from Hell" topped the charts and broke the sound barrier, has dissapeared from the office this month. A note on his desk reads "Gone to join the Foriegn Legion - heard Garth has started to collect in all the money people owe him. Back in two weeks time". Come back Steve, you daft hippy, before you get a dose of those much feared desert runny doo-dahs.
Fave game: Mystical. |
Another new on S.U. this month - Matt Regan joining the crew from Mean Machines (the grotty console magazine). Matt, a distant relative of the famous B-movie U.S. President, Ronald, has swopped the velvet glove approach of MM Ed Jaz Rignall for the granite hand approach of Sergeant Rock Sumpter, the SU supremo. Asked to comment Matt replied: "Well Nicaragua is not an issue as far as I'm concerned and 'Ooops, now what's that red button for, Don?'"
Fave games: Mystical, L.E.D. Storm. |
Al, the strolling SU reviewer of no fixed abode is apparently feeling very bad this month after eating a full packet of shredded wheat for a bet. The result: On a recent visit to Canterbury Alan was thrown out of the cathederalfor creaking loudly in the choir. "I just want to warn everyone about the horrors of too much fibre", he was quoted as saying from his desk in the toilet. Don't believe everything you see on T.V.!"
Fave games: Mystical, L.E.D. Storm. |
Tone, a budding actor has started his new career with a vengeance having just opened in his very own west end musical, "Tony and his amazing technicolour dream trousers". He has also donated a pair of his magnificent pants to help house refugees in the middle east. Apparently Tony got the idea for the show while eating paella on a bad stomach during an MC Hammer advertisment for a certain well known soft drink.
Fave games: L.E.D. Storm, Sllghtiy Magic. |
Typesetting by
Colour work by
BBC Frontline
© Copyright 1991
Emap Images
Reproduction of any part of this magazine without the written consent of Garth, Andrea, Steve, Matt, Alan and Mr Ben will result in something really utterly nasty happening I can jolly well tell you. Either that or Garth will file down your teeth with an electric cattle prod whilst Matt sings acoustic Des O'Connor numbers and tickles your particulars with a herring. If you want to reproduce our mag after all that the you're a very, very sick person indeed and should seek medical attention immediately, that's what we do. Oh, just as we were going to press, Yvette, our design assistant, got very poorly and had to go to hospital. We'd all like to wish her a speedy recovery. If you want to send her a line or something to keep her amused while she get better then cheer her up and write to her in her sick bed. Whoever sends her the letter that cheers her up the most will receive £50's worth of games. 'Till then ... Byeee!