Issue 125 July 1992
Alan "Excellent!" Dykes
Yvette "Babe!" Nichols
SU Crew
Garth "Bogus!" Sumpter
Steve "Party On" Keen
Ed "Head" Laurence
Pete "Source of all knowledge" Gerrard
Graham "Hate Mail" Mason
Phillip "Missing in action" Fisch
Jason "Good game" Baptiste
Ad manager
Tina "Foxy lady" Zanelli
Matthew "Yin-Yang" Walker
Mr Marketing
Mark "?" Swallow
Marketing persons
Sarah "Hello dearie" Ewing
Alan "TNT" Hilliard
Mike "Malibu" Frey
Managing Director
Terry "The professionals" Pratt
Mega two player action with the thieving twins. SU SILVER |
CAPTAIN DYNAMO | Code Masters |
The prince of pensioners fights back. SU GOLD |
Role playing adventure fun |
High rise shoot 'em up |
A real barrel of fun from our fave egg. |
Dungeons and Dragons follow up to Heroes Of The Lance |
GRELL AND FELLA | Code Masters |
Flower power versus a nasty sorcerer who wilt win? |
HITPACK No.2 | Zeppelin |
More multi discipline games from Zeppelin |
Atlantis sees the light of day. SU SILVER |
SKATE WARS | Hit Squad |
Super future sport? Or not? |
SLY SPY | Hit Squad |
Not James Bond... And just as well. SU BEST BUDGET |
What a cracker! The Great 8 kicks off this month with the best ever prize game LONE WOLF. A beat 'em up adventure that received an SU Gold and was on SU's July cover last year. It's a must! Also on the Great 8: Magnetic Moon Part 3, the final part. See if you can free the space ship! The third great Music Demo, two great utilities, Font Creator, which allows you to design your own typeface and FUSSLOAD, a multiface customiser to make your life that little bit easier. There's also another action packed fully playable game Terminate and of course, the prince of poke programs POKEMANIA and the tycoon of tape tips TIPS AMAZING. Load it, play it, use it.
Hacking Squad
Hannah Smith works her magic once more with the world's best Spectrum Hints, Tips, Pokes, Solutions and Maps. There are solutions for Murray Mouse Supercop, Biff and Kwik Snax. Maps and Tips for Hydrofool and a feast of POKEs including Rainbow Islands (also tipped), Potsworth, Titanic Blinky and Snare. Turn to page 14 onwards and prepare to complete those games.
Next Month Compo
Win a sackload of Dizzy paraphernalia! All you have to do is tell us what the eggy fellow is saying on the SU Next month page picture.
Coin Ops
A coin ops special this month on one of the most violent but graphically and playably excellent coin-ops of the decade, TOTAL CARNAGE. Plus more.
Up Front
Tell It To Al
Suck Up
Even if summer is a quiet time for software it usually sees some big name movie releases and this one's no exception with Aliens 3 (August), Lethal Weapon 3 (August) and Batman 2 (July) all due out during the hols. Everyone wants to be a movie star (how else can you get to star in a computer game too) so the SU Crew are on the audition trail this month hoping that, in between bringing you the most crucial Spectrum action available, they'll also be able to land a major film role. Some chance! |
Alan Dykes
"I've always wanted to be in a movie where I get a chance to kick Jean Claude Van Damme where it hurts and then run away, very quickly, relying on my superior speed and the smell of fear to get as far away as possible before he recovers. Apart from that, any movie with Daryl Hannah, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder or Andie McDowell in it will do. Howoooo!"
Fave Games: INDY 4, Captain Dynamo. |
Yvette Nichols
Art Editor
"I want to be Jessica Rabbit in the next Roger Rabbit movie. I have all the qualifications, or so all my fans tell me (keep on writing boys). She's smart, good looking, has an amazing voice and best of all, she's married to the cuddliest rabbit in the world." (at this point the rest of the crew run to the toilet and get sick). "Alternatively I'd like to star in a movie with Keanu Reeves, he's ..." (Crew run to the toilet and get sick again, ad infinitum).
Fave Games: Anything ultra cute. |
Tina Zanelli
Ad Manager
"I'm really jealous of Sigourney Weaver getting the Ripley role again in Aliens 3. I'm much tougher than her. I've always wanted to be a macho screen actress which is why I work out twice a day and go on a fifteen mile run every night before having a wrestling match with my boyfriend who looks like Hulk Hogan. I always beat him too, just like I beat the aliens who tried to take over SU some time ago."
Fave Games: Grell & Fella, Captain Dynamo. |
| | |
Steve Keen
Features Editor
"I wanna be Wayne out of Wayne's World. I've already got a cool but somewhat nerdy friend named Garth and I know more about Heavy Metal music than any of those cheap wimpo American dudes ... (NOT!) So keep an eye out in your local cinema for Steve's World, where you'll hear me say "party on dudes" at least once a minute, "excellent!" after every sentence and hang out with the most amazing babes in the world, all of whom are named Aisling."
Fave Games: INDY 4, Captain Dynamo. |
Matthew Walker
Airfix Kit Production Chap
"I've always wanted to be Danny De Vito, which is a physical impossibility 'cos I'm six feet five inches tall, but the world loves a trier. I once completely shaved the centre of my head, put a pair of shoes on my knees and walked into Universal Studios wearing a tiny suit, telling nasty jokes and complaining a lot. They actually thought I was Danny De Vito for three whole seconds then kicked me out again."
Fave Games: INDY 4, Bonanza Bros. |
Colour by those wonderful Colourtech people
Printed by Kingfisher
Typeset by Altyp Inc
© Copyright 1992
Emap Images
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an electronic retrieval system or copied, resold etc. with the prior permission of the publisher. However, if anyone feels like putting a copy of SU in a deep space probe, sent out to seek other worlds and communicate examples of earth's wonderful things, of which SU is probably the best example (along with a well known brand of lager) to alien races in space, I don't think Mike will mind too much! Y'all have a nice day now.