Spectrum price war
Kno yore enemy
WH Smith gets into print
SINCLAIRVOYANCE Old wounds are re-opened in the Sinclair/Acorn battle.
NEWS The C5 hits the streets, Spectrum hits the deck, Clive hits Chris Curry.
SINCLAIR SIMON A quiet evening down at the local.
QL NEWS New packages from Sinclair, QL disc interface.
GREMLIN Sir Clive proves he has punch and Chris Curry of Acorn gets it.
HARDWARE WORLD A new range from DK'tronics and the Touchmaster graphics pad.
SPECTRUM SOFTWARE SCENE Ghostbusters, Airwolf, Match Day and Danger Mouse.
SINCLAIR SURGERY The good doctor is in.
HIT SQUAD David Reidy master programmer, reminisces about his skool daze, hem-hem.
BOOKS Seymour Papert has mind storms and we try some software projects.
ADVENTURE Graphics games explored. Gordo Greatbelly ventures forth.
SINCLAIR BUSINESS USER Mike Wright takes a look at the electric office and QL Quilmerge.
HELPLINE Andrew Hewson delves into the Spectrum memory and builds a digital clock.