Issue 95 February 1990
Jim "Black Death" Douglas
Good grief, he's looking pretty manky this month, eh readers? Poor Jimbly has been struck by the dreaded Flu epidemic. He's almost overdosed on Chloraseptic and is feeling very sorry for himself, and would like someone to give him a cuddle, please. Eurgh yuk, go away drippy bogey snout.
Al "Super Fit" Skeat
Big Al's looking well smug with herself as she's the only one who's managed to avoid the lurgie. That's because she's been holed up in her Michael Jackson-style oxygen tent munching on garlic pills and Haliborange tablets. But naughty Oz has set about her bubble with his designer scalpel and all the germies are getting in, tee hee. Somebody pass Al the Junior Disprin please.
Garth "Lager Poisoning" Sumpter
After a major bout of Christmas jollies, poor Garfy is certainly a wee bit worse for wear. Jim made him attend every software house chrimbo do because the rest of us were too "ill" to go, but it looks like he had a few too many beakers of Um Bongo. Quick lads, abandon the loo, here he comes.
Osmond "Wibbly Limbs" Brown
Poor little Ossie. Wicked Uncle Jim has been working him so hard, that he's delivered a rather severe case of Designer's elbow. He's been scribbling away so hard that both of his elbows have turned to gungy runny stuff and his arms have gone all loppy. What a shame, looks like he's headed for the municipal home for crumbly old clapped out designers.
The Sorceress
I've Got This Problem
Rupert Goodwins
Advertisement manager
James Owens
Senior sales
Martha Moloughney
Ad production
Emma Ward
Marketing manager
Dean Barrett
Marketing assistant
Sarah Ewing
Terry Pratt
Cover Illustration Jerry Paris
DAN DARE III | Virgin |
ROCK 'N' ROLL | Rainbow Arts |
SAILING | Mastertronic |
STIR CRAZY | Infogrames |
STREET HASSLE | Mastertronic |
TIN TIN ON THE MOON | Infogrames |
X-OUT | Rainbow Arts |
Classics a-go-go in the shape of the bloomin' brilliant Hyper Active. If you like arcade games, this old master from Special FX will have you at your joystick for hours (fnar). It's probably the best exclusive game ever given away on a tape. We hope you like it. And guess what else? Dun da da dun da da da Poke City is back. SU helps you get the last drop of excitement out of your games.
Dirty Tricks Dept
Exclusive Myth maps part 2 and 3! Join the Hacking Squad! Multiface Pokes! Sneaky cheats for Dizzy! SEVEN GLORIOUS PAGES OF COLOUR TIPS!
Golly gosh, 1989 really was a year chock full of fabby games ... come to think of it, there were some pretty crappy ones too. We ley you sort them all out by voting for your faves in the SU games awards.
Quasar Special
Ever played Combat Zone, where you splish around in a forest, shooting people with paint? Well, we've got something even better in the shape of the Quasar Centre. You don't know what that is do you?
CD ROM Review
If you know nothing about Codemaster's new CD Loader, and you're getting a wee bit curious; be curious no more. SU has enough info about it to make your brain burst (eurgh yuk). And there's also a chance for you to win said loading jobby and some CD games too - hurrah!
Compilation Mania
Gosh, there really are lots and lots of those Compilation jobbies on the market at the mo', aren't there? Some of 'em are great and some of 'em are, er, not so great. We guide you through the pick of the bunch.
Win A Wacky Stacky
Blast out your eardrums with the sooper dooper hi-fi thingy on offer from US Gold in their Black Tiger Crossword competition. The temptations we have to withstand in order to just give away these fantastic objects each month are incredible.
Win A Ferrari
As if you hadn't read it before. Actually, these five model Ferraris are really rather super. They're finely detailed metal models of the F40 supercar. Even the steering wheel works.
Win A Metal Goblin
Lots of lovely little metal creatures are sitting in the fairy grotto which is Uncle Jim's desk drawer just waiting for a lick of paint.
Win A Ferrari
We're not going to pretend that we're offering real Ferraris, because every other magazine says pathetic things like that don't they? They're remote controlled dooberrys, so you either want one or you don't, OK?
Win A Diving Suit
We've all tested it out by backstroking through a few puddles in Farringdon Lane to make sure it works, and it does.
Megatape 24
Dirty Tricks Dept
The Write Stuff
Tell It To Jim (?)
Smash Coupons
Precinct 19
I've Got This Problem
Compo Winners
End of the Line
Next Month
Printed by
Nene River Press.
© Copyright 1990
Sinclair User
ISSN No. 0262-5458
No part of this magazine may be reproduced/transmitted, stored in a data retrieval system, etc. without permission of the publishers, EMAP B+CP.
Special thanks this issue: Kevin at Nene, John Cook, Jaz Rignall and of course, old Santa himself for forcing us to produce this issue in two weeks flat. Hope you get terminal frostbite, fatso.