Issue 93 December 1989
Jim "Scaredy Cat" Douglas
With Ghostbuster fever in the office most of the SU team are making ghostly woo wooing noises and filling our mouths with blood capsules. Spazzy Jim, however, is turning into a human jelly (and you all thought he was really hard didn't you?) This is him just before he hid under the desk shouting "stop it you lot, you know I don't like the dark"
Alison "Heads Up!" Skeat
Entering in Ghostbuster fever like a good 'un, Al actually agreed to have her head sawn off (she'll do anything for a laugh, that one - Jim) for our photographer. We are at the mo putting her head back together with Pritt stick and staples - is there a paramedic in the house?
Tim "Creeping Terror" Noonan
After 15 pints of shandy at his local The Kosh and Headbutt, and 32 pints of curry from his fave "restaurant" Tim finds he has a bad case of biryani botty and terrifies the rest of the team with his impression of a Hallowe'en pumpkin head
Garth "Nosferatu" Sumpter
A ruddy spooky weirdo this one. Garthy runs around EMAP towers, fangs at the ready, biting the office cat and wiping the blood on the roller towel in the loo (geross - all SU readers). That's on any normal day at work, but since Ghostbuster fever he's gone completely off his nut and killed everyone ... (but not really)
The Sorceress
How The Hell
Andrew Hewson
I've Got This Problem
Rupert Goodwins
Advertisement manager
James Owens
Senior sales
Martha Moloughney
Ad production
Emma "Cor Blimey!" Ward
Marketing manager
Dean "Beezer Geezer" Barrett
Marketing assistant
Sarah Ewing
Terry "Digestible" Pratt
This month's cover: Ghostbusters II from Activision
AFTER THE WAR | Dinamic |
AVON | Topologika |
FIGHTING SOCCER | Activision |
GHOSTBUSTERS II | Activision |
JET SKI SIMULATOR | Code Masters |
MYTH | System 3 |
POWER DRIFT | Activision |
SOCCER 7 | Cult |
SPHERICAL | Rainbow Arts |
SPITFIRE | Encore |
STUNT CAR RACER | MicroStyle |
TOOBIN' | Tengen |
It's great, it's fun, it's spooky, it's skill, it's from Activision, it's action-packed, it's Ghostbusters II, hurrah!
A thoroughly beezer event this month. We've got you an entirely gobsmacking playable demo of the sequel to Operation Wolf, Operation Thunderbolt. You can sample for yourselves the delights of the game most people are predicting will be this year's number one. There's also an entirely complete and fully lovely adventure called The Lost City which will have you round the twist with frustration in a jiffy.
We've got the hottest pooper scooper of a lowdown on CRACKDOWN from US GOLD! Not seen yet by anyone except our tame madman Garth, we blow the gaff! Plus, check out the PREviews that we have as REviews - STUNT CAR DRIVER, MYTH and OPERATION THUNDERBOLT. Actually finished games - not screenshots.
Dirty Tricks Dept
"I never knew there was so much in it". That's what you'll be saying about Dirty Tricks this month. Not only have we got a Batman map and a Spooked map, we've got tips for Robocop and Ghouls and Ghosts and squidged in next to that lot is a pig full of pokes - you lucky bleeders.
If you read any other mag than lovely cuddly SU you wouldn't get this month's radical poster would you ... and then you'd be really Myth'ed - geddit?
Not one, but two stonking great Blueprints for you this month chums. We give you the low down on Test Drive II and its ins and outs. The we come to X-Out, you get the low down and in and outy bits on that one too - gosh!!!
Win Win Win! A Cinema Full Of Tickets
Here's your chance to go to the cinema lots of times. We're giving away 20 cinema tickets to one lucky blighter - and that could be you. Go in for our Ghostbusters II compo now and get very square eyes indeed.
Wooo oooo!
Welcome to our special Spooky issue, fright fiends! This month we've gone overboard on the ghoulies (arf) and stocked up our pages with a host of ghosts. There are reviews of Ghostbusters II, Spooked and Myth, and a wopper spooky Myth poster in the middle.
Megatape 22
Dirty Tricks
SU News
Tell It To Wayne
Write Stuff
Compo Winners
I've Got This Problem
Blueprint 1
Blueprint 2
Precinct 19
How the Hell?
Next Month
Printed by
Nene River Press
Typeset on Laser Imager at EMAP Towers. So Nerr!
Distributed by
EMAP Frontline.
© Copyright 1989
Sinclair User
ISSN No. 0262-5458
All information is correct at time of going to press. And if you don't believe us Big Al Skeat will come round your house and crush your gerbil between her knees. No part of this magazine mat be reproduced or transcribed without written consent of the publishers, EMAP Business and Computer Publications. So we'll have no more said about it.