Issue 88 July 1989
Meet the "Team"
Jim "Invisible Man" Douglas
Wrapped (warped?) from head to foot in bandages to disguise his horrible secret, Jim is forced to wander the world trapped in a crêpe tomb. While he likes to put about the rumour that he concocted a potion so strong that it turned him invisible, the actual truth is that the rest of the SU Team were so fed up with him being "away on business" they endowed him with the name and handed out a right good punching into the bargain, hence the bandages.
Alison "Wonder Woman" Skeat
Faster than a speeding thing, able to correct pages in a single bound, Skeat wreaks terrible havoc upon poor copy with her special Red Pen in her quest to rid Sinclair User of any spelling mistakes. She can deflect bad grammar with her super steel ear-rings and head-butts away repetition every single time. and head-butts away repetition every single time.
Tim "Silver Surfer" Noonan
Is it a plane? Is it a bus? Is it a Bond Bug? No, you bloody idiot, it's Timothy Noonan, Art Editor extraordinaire, cutting a swathe through the barren wasteland of computer magazine layout, producing colour pages to STUN, SHOCK and DELIGHT every single month. Unfortunately, Tim has only one leg. Well, it's more unfortunate for Tim than anyone else, since he can never stay upright once he stops moving.
Tony "Ice Man" Dillon
Tony knows no fear. He doesn't know many people, but he certainly knows even less fear. His super-cool demeanour and ability to fit nearly all his bottom into a medium-sized refrigerator have made him legendary through the games industry. If a job wants doing, tell Tone to dry his trousers and get going.
Special thanks this month:
John "Er, tomorrow?" Cook
Gareth "Grandad" Jones
Clive "43" Pembridge
Graham "Still Here" Taylor
The Sorceress
Dirty Tricks
Jon Riglar
Andrew Hewson, Rupert Goodwins
Advertisement manager
Katherine "Ooh my sore throat" Lee
Advertising executive
Martha "A diddly diddly" Moloughney
Ad production
Emma "Wonderful" Ward
Debbie "Have you seen this photo?" Pearson
Terry "Well ..." Pratt
Clive "Knuckle Sandwich" Pembridge
This month's cover Silkworm from Virgin Mastertronic
Cover Artist: Jerry Paris
CRAZY CARS 2 | Titus |
DOMINATOR | System 3 |
PETER PACK RAT | Silverbird |
SILKWORM | Mastertronic |
THUNDERBIRDS | Grandslam |
TIME OF LORE | Origin |
TIMESCANNER | Activision |
XYBOTS | Tengen |
Silkworm. We tipped it as a classic last month in Blueprint and our Previews, and we weren't wrong. It's bloody marvellous, and if our saucy illo by the notorious Jerry Paris hasn't got your whistle whetted, this review will.
Electrobingo Part II: Have you won this month's fantastic SAM Super Computer? Or one of the 250 US Gold runners up prizes we've got on offer?
Denizen: It's a fantastic shoot 'em up from Players. Complete game. Completely free.
Dizzy Dice: One for the compulsive gamblers. All the fun and excitement of the casino, but with no financial outlay. Or rewards (Oh shut up - JD).
Jewels of Babylon: It's a completely brilliant graphic adventure with more locations and puzzles and traps and fabness than any other adventure we've given away so far. And there are millions of pictures too! And it's got Graphics! and Pictures!
Starglider II, Lone Wolf, Batman - The Movie, Chase HQ and Vendetta. All those games and more. Pictures. Prices. Dates. If you haven't read our previews section, your shopping list could be missing a couple of corkers.
Dirty Tricks Dept
Welcome to the amazingly brilliant all new look, jazzed up Tips section. This month we've got an amazing FIVE COLOUR PAGES including super maps of Forgotten Worlds from US Gold (Sinclair User cover game) and Run The Gauntlet from Ocean. If you're stuck in R-Type you may well find out where you're going wrong, and there are stacks of Pokes, including some for Operation Wolf. The egotistical among you can even get your names in lights in the Bronze Stars section. Check it out.
Wayne's Popularity Game
Fun and games for all the family! Help new Sinclair User staff member Wayne Smedley in his search for popularity. All you need is a six sided dice (as opposed to one of those ludicrous dodecahedralatrop used by D&D people) and a great deal of patience. Try to work your way to the top of the popularity heap by being extremely crawly and girly around the office. Watch out for terrible faux pas like asking Tim how Palace did at the weekend.
Da da. Da da da da da-daaaaaaaaa .... (all will become clear)
This month we give you the dirt on the background of the forthcoming Jaws from Screen 7.
Pherooawk! If you can't find something in this month's Outlands that you will want to rush out and purchase straight away, you're bloomin' bonkers. We've got Mr Money - alien cash-eating fiend from another dimension. We've got the Potato Clock - strange Irish timepiece. We've got two new vids to drool over. And we've even got The Horn. Confused? You should be!
Are You A Sinclair User Fanatic?
Sinclair User is a dangerously addictive magazine. Just how deep is your obsession with the best Speccy games mag in the galaxy? Use our special tester to find out if you're completely hooked.
Win A Tank!
Yes. Just when you thought we couldn't give away any more tanks, we're back with another "How many rounds per minute can a Chieftain fire" affair. Only this time it's a complete Panzer division we're giving away. There are lots of plastic self-assembly kits and the first prize is a smashing £250 radio controlled tank that REALLY BLOWS THINGS UP and REALLY INVADES SMALL COUNTRIES (except it doesn't)
Win A Lot Of Decibels
Virginmastertronic are releasing SILKWORM, this month's cover game. It's about a Helicopter and a Jeep scouring the countryside blowing the bottom off anything that gets in their way. "So", we thought, "What would be the most sensible prize to give away with such a game? Why, a huge Philips MIDI HI FI with CD and a load of Records, CDs and Tapes too, of course."
Win A Plus 3
If you haven't bought yourself a +3 yet, this competition we're running with Gremlin is just the thing for you. In conjunction with the release of Super Scramble Simulator (reviewed elsewhere this ish) we've got a +3, some super games, T-shirts and the whole shooting match to give away, and the questions are so simple you'd have to Wayne's half-brother Duayne not to get them right.
Win A Job!
Jim wants a holiday and we need an EDITOR FOR A DAY! Boss people around. Shout down the telephone. Drink lots of coffee. Interested? Apply within ...
Megatape 17
Tell It To Wayne
SU News
Write Stuff
Dirty Tricks
Compo Winners
Precinct 19
How the Hell?
I've Got This Problem
Next Month
Printed by
Nene River Press
Typeset by
PRS Huntingdon
Distributed by
EMAP Frontline.
© Copyright 1989
Sinclair User
ISSN No. 0262-5458
No part of this magazine may be copied, translated, transcribed, read aloud in the pub or used to swat flies without written permission from the Publishers, EMAP B&C, which - we'll tell you now - is pretty hard to get.