They came from outer space
Herbert gets the runs
Meet Big John
NEWS High finance and low profits, Sinclair plans for chip manufacturing plant.
SINCLAIR SIMON How not to sell a computer game ...
QL NEWS Hilton show relaunches the QL, plus new software releases.
GREMLIN Horror from beyond the tomb - David Ward revives Imagine.
SPECTRUM SOFTWARE SCENE Exclusive reviews of Herbert and Overlords. [two parts]
HARDWARE WORLD Boxer and Citadel monitors.
BOOKS Hackers reveal their secrets, Sinclair unveils the mysteries of QDOS.
HIT SQUAD Level Nine in outer space. Chris Bourne follows the great adventure.
ENTRY POINT John Gilbert puts his memory to the test.
BUSINESS SOFTWARE Office in miniature from database. Mike Wright reports.
PROGRAM PRINTOUT Get a hole in one at the Golf Club, then shoot it out with Duke.
ADVENTURE HELPLINE Slaughter on the road, but Gordo Greatbelly is undeterred.
ADVENTURE Richard Price investigates new mysteries and travels to the Emerald Isle.
ADVENTURE PROGRAMMING John Gilbert teaches the Spectrum to understand English.
HELPLINE Andrew Hewson interrupts a ghost.