SINCLAIRVOYANCE Putting the price war into context.
Dancing Ogre
Utterly alienated
The Land of Pi
NEWS Italian job for Acorn, Sinclair moves in on USA.
COMRADE SIMON The truth behind the iron curtain.
QL NEWS Mk II software from Psion hits the streets.
GREMLIN Piman's finest hour; the Ocean-going yacht.
SPECTRUM SOFTWARE SCENE Alien 8 and 3D Starstrike, Hunchback meets Mutant Monty.
QL SOFTWARE SCENE Assemblers for touch typists.
QL HARDWARE WORLD Disc interface from CST.
HARDWARE WORLD Timex slip a disc in Portugal.
BOOKS Which? guide to software and how to watch television.
EDUCATION Theo Wood on aids for O Level revision.
ADVENTURE Richard Price takes up his Quill again ...
DANCING OGRE Gordo Greatbelly begins his quest.
HIT SQUAD Piman sings the blues. Chris Bourne listens.
SINCLAIR BUSINESS USER Embellish Tasword II, and psychoanalyse your staff.
PROGRAM PRINTOUT New commands for the ZX-81, a flaming good game for the QL.
HELPLINE Un-twisting your attributes with Andrew Hewson.