Mind Games Issue 33 Contents Issue 34


Andrew Hewson

Journey to the centre of the ROM

Andrew Hewson delves into the heart of the Z80 to unearth some useful routines.

SINCLAIR Research have manufactured three machines all based on the Z80 microprocessor: the ZX-80, the ZX-81 and the ZX Spectrum, and it is interesting to observe the development from one machine to the next.

A consequence of that understandable policy of developing one ROM from its predecessors is that some features which were necessary or desirable in the earlier version may be retained in the later version because the relevant code is known to work even though they impose constraints on the new design. This is, indirectly, the answer to the following question from John Blackwood who asks "Why is 9999 the largest line number permitted on the ZX-81?"

At first sight the limitation to 9999 seems quite illogical because 9999 is not a 'round number' as far as the Z80 microprocessor is concerned. A more logical upper limit might be 255 because that is the maximum integer which the machine can store in a single memory location - or byte. However, many users could be expected to write programs containing more than 255 lines and so a greater limit is desirable. The next highest 'round number' is 65535 which is the largest integer which the computer can store in two consecutive bytes. So why limit line numbers to 9999 when 65535 could be used just as easily?

The reason appears to be that by limiting line numbers in that way and by manipulating the numeric codes for variables the ZX-81 has a device for distinguishing lines in the program area from variables in the variables area.

To understand the mechanism at work, consider the binary representation of 9999. Line numbers are held with their most significant byte first. That is contrary to the usual Z80 convention so we can assume that the manufacturers had some special motive in choosing that arrangement. Hence line number 9999 is held as a byte containing 39 followed by a byte containing 15 because

39 * 256 + 15 = 9999

The bit pattern of the byte, obtained by converting 39 to binary, is 00100111. Notice that the three most significant bits - bit numbers 7, 6 and 5 are set to 0, 0 and 1 for this, the largest permitted line number. Hence bit numbers 7, 6 and 5 of the first byte of all permitted line numbers will be set to 0, 0 and 1, or in the case of line numbers less than 8192, they will be set to 0, 0, 0.

Now look at pages 172 to 174 of the ZX-81 Basic Programming manual and you will see illustrations of the different types of variables as they are represented in the variables area. In each case the first byte contains a numeric code related to the code of the letter which identifies the variable - or the code of the first letter of the variable name in the case of a number whose name is longer than one letter. The largest possible letter code is 63, the code for Z, which is still 00111111 in binary, and the smallest is 38, the code for A, which is 00100110 in binary.

Hence bits 7 and 6 are not needed when distinguishing between letter codes and as bit 5 is always set to one, the ZX-81 can use these bits to distinguish between the different types of variable. Three bits can be set in


different ways. Table 1 lists the eight ways and their interpretation.

Table 1. This shows the meaning of the top three bits
in the first byte of a program line or Basic variable in the
ZX-81 and the Spectrum.

Bit pattern               Interpretation
000                       Line number less than 8192
001                       Line number between 8192 and 9999
010                       String
011                       Number with single character name
100                       Array of numbers
101                       Number with multiple character name
110                       Character array
111                       Control variable for a FOR-NEXT loop

It is strange that Sinclair should take such elaborate precautions to distinguish a line number from a variable because the same purpose could be served by comparing the address of the byte in question to the D-FILE or VARS system variables. It allows the ZX-81 to use the same routine, at 2546 to 2576, to step through memory to the 'next' line or the 'next' variable but that seems a small advantage.

It is certainly one of the features which has been carried forward from the ZX-80 to the ZX-81 and then to the Spectrum.

We shall return to discussing Basic variables later but first a small but relevant digression is prompted by the following question from Patrick Higham. He asks: "Is there a simple method of printing characters on the Spectrum screen from a machine code routine?"

Printing from machine code is very straightforward because the manufacturers have thoughtfully provided a routine in ROM to do all the hard work. The routine is called at address 16 decimal - 10 in hexadecimal - and should be accessed using the special Z80 machine code instruction

RST 16

That instruction, for some reason which has never been adequately explained, is called a 'restart' - hence the RST abbreviation - and is one of eight such special instructions. As far as the user is concerned it has the same effect as a CALL instruction except that only one byte instead of three is required to hold it.

The routine is entered with the A register set to the code of the character to be PRINTed and the appropriate character appears on the screen at the current PRINT position. All registers are preserved by the routine except the AF register pair and so in some circumstances it may be necessary to PUSH and POP AF before and after the RST instruction respectively.

The routine listed in table 2 demonstrates the use of RST 16 by using it to PRINT all characters with codes lying between 32 and 255 inclusive. Note that includes all the tokens so the routine demonstrates that command words like POKE, READ and DRAW can be PRINTed using RST 16 if required. The decimal codes for the routine can be loaded into the printer buffer using the decimal loader listed in table 3.

Table 2. A Spectrum program to PRINT the characters with codes
in the range 32 to 255 inclusive. Note that when the a register
contains 255, the effect of the inc a instruction is the same as
subtracting 255, ie a subsequently contains zero.

Decimal     Assembly      Code           Comment
62 32                     ld a, 32       Load the a register with 32
245         Again         push af        Save a on the stack
215                       rst 16         PRINT the character
241                       pop af         Retrieve a from the stack
60                        inc a          Increment the a register
32 250                    jr nz, Again   Jump to PRINT next character
201                       ret            Return when a reaches zero

Table 3. A simple decimal loader for POKEing decimal numbers into the
Spectrum printer buffer. To halt the program enter STOP (Symbol
Shift A).

10 FOR I = 23296 TO 23551

The RST 16 facility can also be used to control the screen format and layout character codes but a little care must be taken not to follow the INK, PAPER and other control codes by invalid numbers because otherwise error code K results. Some of those layout characters are extremely useful, for example

LD A, 13
RST 16

will PRINT an 'ENTER' character so that the current PRINT position will move to the start of the next line.

Of course, the PRINT routine at address 16 was not provided by the manufacturers solely for the benefit of users of the finished machine. The Spectrum ROM itself makes extensive use of the facility and so it is littered with RST 16 instructions. That goes some way to explaining the power of RST instructions. Every time one is used two bytes of memory are saved - the difference between the length of a CALL and a RST instruction - and more importantly the Z80 does not waste time calculating the address which is being called because it is implicit in the instruction. Hence RST is very useful for calling routines which are used frequently.

The call to RST 16 is an important part of the routine which is listed in table 4 in response to the following letter from Alan Procter: "Have you a routine to identify the variables existing in memory, identifying them as numerics, string simple or array?"

The routine is rather longer than the ones I usually include in this column and so I recommend that an assembler program is used to load it into memory. Please note that the routine is not relocatable ie if the decimal codes are used it can only be loaded into the printer buffer starting at 23296.

The routine contains seven subroutines which I have called setb, prtvar, prtdol, addlen, lonvar, addsix and prtype. Those perform the following functions:

Table 4. A Spectrum routine to PRINT the names and types of all the current
Basic variables.

Decimal       Assembly       Code              Comment
42 75 92                     ld hl,(23627)     VARS to hl
126           tend:          ld a,(hl)         128 is the end of VARS marker
254 128                      cp 128
200                          ret z
205 111 91                   call setb         Set b register to 1 to 6
205 55 91                    call prtvar       Print the name ofthe variable
205 67 91                    call prtdol       Print the dollar sign if necessary
203 64                       bit 0,b           Is b even?
40 5                         jr nz,even        If so jump
205 125 91                   call addlen       No, addlen skips over the data
24 22                        jr prtres         Skip to prtres
203 80        even:          bit 2,b           b is even. Is it 2?
40 15                        jr z,two          If so jump
203 72                       bit 1,b           Is b 4?
40 8                         jr z,four         If so jump
213                          push de           b is 6 so this is a loop counter
17 13 0                      ld de,13          Skip over 13 bytes
25                           add hl,de
209                          pop de
24 3                         jr two
205 141 91    four:          call lonvar       This is a long variable
205 134 91    two:           call addsix       Skip over remaining six bytes
205 77 91     prtres:        call prtype       Print type of variable
62 13                        ld a,13           Output the enter character
215                          rst 16
24 204                       jr tend
197           prtvar:        push be           This routine decodes and prints the
198 32                       add 32            (first letter of the) variable held
16 3          tryb:          djnz decb         in the a register
215                          rest 16
193                          pop be
201                          ret
214 32        decb:          sub 32
24 247                       jr tryb
203 64        prtdol:        bit 0,b           This routine prints a dollar sign
200                          ret z             if b contains 1 or 5
203 72                       bit 1,b
192                          ret nz
62 36                        ld a,36
215                          rst 16
201                          ret
229           prtype:        push hl           This routine prints the appropriate
197                          push be           variable type taken front the table
33 168 91                    ld hl,table       controlled by the value in b
16 7          dec:           djnz nexlet
229                          push hl
205 95 10                    call 0a5fh        Tab to column 16
225                          pop hl
24 8                         jr out
126           nexlet:        ld a,(hl)         Decrement b if the next letter has
35                           inc hl            code 128
254 128                      cp 128
40 241                       jr z,dec          When b is zero the correct entry
24 248                       jr nexlet         has been found
126           out:           ld a,(hl)         Print each letter in turn, first
254 128                      cp 128            checking for the 128 terminator
40 4                         jr z,endpr
215                          rst 16
35                           inc hl
24 247                       jr out
193           endpr:         pop be            Restore be
225                          pop hl            and hl
201                          ret               before returning
61            setb:          ld,b,1            This routine sets the value of b in
14 91                        ld c,91           range 1 to 6 according to the value
185           nexb:          cp c              in the first byte of the variable name
216                          ret c
4                            inc b
121                          ld a,c
198 32                       add 32
79                           ld c,a
126                          ld a,(hl)
24 246                       jr nextb
213           addlen:        push de           This routine is used to skip over the
35                           inc hl            body of the data for numeric arrays,
94                           ld e,(hl)         strings and string arrays
35                           inc hl
86                           ld d,(hl)
35                           inc hl
25                           add hl de
209                          pop de
201                          ret
213           addsix:        push de           Used for simple variables and long
17 6 0                       ld de,6           variables to skip over the body of
25                           add he,de         the data
209                          pop de
201                          ret
197           lonvar:        push be           This routine prints up to ten
6 10                         ld b,10           characters from along variable name
35            nexlon:        inc hl
55                           scf
126                          ld a,(hl)
254 128                      cp 128
48 12                        jr nc,endlon
215                          rst 16
16 246                       djnz nexlon
35            aglon:         inc hl            Discard any remaining characters
55                           scf               after the tenth character has been
126                          ld a,(hl)         printed
254 128                      cp 128
48 5                         jr nc,endlon
24 247                       jr aglon
214 128       endlon:        sub 128
215                          rst 16
193           endl:          pop be
201                          ret
83            table:         defb 83
116                          defb 116
114                          defb 114
105                          defb 105
110                          defb 110
103                          defb 103
128                          defb 128
83                           defb 83
105                          defb 105
109                          defb 109
112                          defb 112
108                          defb 108
101                          defb 101
32                           defb 32
118                          defb 118
97                           defb 97
114                          defb 114
105                          defb 105
97                           defb 97
98                           defb 98
108                          defb 108
101                          defb 101
128                          defb 128
78                           defb 78
117                          defb 117
109                          defb 109
101                          defb 101
114                          defb 114
105                          defb 105
99                           defb 99
32                           defb 32
97                           defb 97
114                          defb 114
114                          defb 114
97                           defb 97
121                          defb 121
128                          defb 128
76                           defb 76
111                          defb 111
110                          defb 110
103                          defb 103
32                           defb 32
110                          defb 110
117                          defb 117
109                          defb 109
101                          defb 101
114                          defb 114
105                          defb 105
99                           defb 99
128                          defb 128
83                           defb 83
116                          defb 116
114                          defb 114
105                          defb 105
110                          defb 110
103                          defb 103
32                           defb 32
97                           defb 97
114                          defb 114
114                          defb 114
97                           defb 97
121                          defb 121
128                          defb 128
76                           defb 76
111                          defb 111
111                          defb 111
112                          defb 112
32                           defb 32
99                           defb 99
111                          defb 111
117                          defb 117
110                          defb 110
116                          defb 116
101                          defb 101
114                          defb 114
128                          defb 128

Table 5. The codes placed in the b register by the "setb" routine in table 4
and the corresponding variable types.

b register               Type of variable
    1                    String of characters
    2                    Simple numeric variable
    3                    Numeric array
    4                    Numeric variable with multiple character name
    5                    String array
    6                    Loop counter

Mind Games Issue 33 Contents Issue 34

Sinclair User
December 1984