John Biggles Gibson
Spectrum rock
SINCLAIR SIMON The world of rock music beckons our hero with catastrophic results.
HARDWARE WORLD John Lambert examines a mass storage device and plays with the Trickstick.
SPECTRUM SOFTWARE SCENE We look at games for girls which include an educational adventure.
ZX-81 SOFTWARE SCENE Golden Oldies from the near past and the latest in high-resolution software.
HIT SQUAD Top programmer John Gibson shows his imagination for writing arcade games.
BOOKS Micromania hits the book shelf with a witty send-up of the computer scene.
USER OF THE MONTH The rock group Mensana makes music with the Spectrum.
SINCLAIR BUSINESS USER Mike Wright looks at two major financial packages.
EDUCATION Theodora Wood examines the use of mind games in the classroom.
HELPLINE Andrew Hewson answers some more computer queries from our post-bag.
MIND GAMES Quentin Heath starts a series on mind game programming techniques.