Issue 132 February 1993
Alan "Doc Marten" Dykes
Yvette "Riding Boots" Nichols
SU Crew
Garth "Clogs" Sumpter
Steve "Biker Boot" Keen
Philip "Chelsea Boot" Lindey
Graham "Sandal" Mason
Pete "Slipper" Gerrard
Ed "Bare Feet" Laurence
Ad manager
Tina Zanelli
Ad production
Tina Gynn
Mr Marketing
Mark Swallow
Marketing ladies
Sarah Hilliard
Sarah Ewing
Mike Frey
Managing Director
Terry Pratt
PIPEMANIA | Touchdown |
Wildcat plumbing japery. SU BEST BUDGET |
ROBIN HOOD | Code Masters |
A really nice little game. SU SILVER |
A very muscular compilation. SU SILVER |
Brill board game conversion. SU SILVER |
Finger blisters ahoy! |
On the Fun 4 this month we've got a special surprise. Not only is there a full game, Merlin, originally designed using Animator1, there's also a hackable Merlin sprite for use with the version of Animator1 that we gave away on last months tape or any other version of this excellent program. (Turn to the Animator1 tutorial on page 28 for further details.) The second part of The Axe Of Kolt also swings its way onto your Speccy screens. There is a +3 Disk saver and hacker program by Turbo and of course, how could we survive without it, Pokemania.
Hacking Squad
Once again, the man they call Garth has explored the far reaches of human knowledge and returned with quite a nice little bundle of hints, tips, POKEs 'n wossanames. Of special interest to his mum this week will be a complete map for Gunpowder, Treason and Plot, some rather spiffy hints for Super Fruit Machine and a whole host of other things weird and wonderful.
Adventure Writing
Larry Horsfield's adventure writing tutorial has reached an end! Tune in to page 28 as Mr. Adventure saddles up his horse and gives the next generation of writers some sound advice.
Animator 1 Tutorial Part 2
The second part of the tutorial 'All About Animator1' which was featured on last months Fun 4. Also don't forget the special offer on page 30 giving you a £5 discount when buying the full version of this superb animation package.
Tell It To Al
Christmas is over and you can be darn sure that some idiots have given their friends, nieces, nephews or other relations a pet as a present. This is a really crap idea folks. Having a pet takes time and thought and so many are abandoned after the hols that it's really disgusting. The SU Crew prefer to see naturally wild animals or well looked after family pets.
My favourite animal is Dusty, my family's dog. He's so cute and intelligent it's unbelievable. He's 12 years old now and very well looked after. In fact my mum gives him preferential treatment over everybody else (lucky little devil). |
I like dumb animals a lot and my favourite has to be Big Al. He's so cute and cuddly and does everything I ask him to. It's a pity the conversation isn't more stimulating though. Oh well! (Yvette's in big, BIG trouble!! - Al) |
I'm not really into pets, I'm a material man so I've got a rock and an old pair of shoes which I stroke and fondle regularly. I also like to count and cuddle the wads of money that Big Al pays me for writing reviews and doing the Hacking Squad. |
My fave animals of all time are whales. They are so big and majestic and if you've ever listened to them singing on TV wildlife programs you'll know how beautiful they sound. I don't know why people seem intent on making them extinct. |
Steve Keen, boy wonder and Korean cuisine connoisseur likes cats, dogs and pigeons. 'They taste lovely with a bit of sliced ginger, some spices and vegetable stock'. 'And they're really easy to disguise as chicken too.' Everyone loves 'em. |
Colour by Colourtech
Printed by Riverside Press
Typeset by Altyp Inc
© Copyright 1992
Emap Images
Absolutely no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an electronic retrieval system or copied without the express written permission of the publisher. 'Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day ... La la la la'. Hope y'all enjoyed the festive season and are looking forward to another year of festive Speccing. I know all of us here at SU are!