News Issue 46 Contents Letters

ZX Word

3  Visit Alicante to discover this type face (6)
6  Unit I'm also designing for a game style (10)
8  Comparatively higher (5)
9  Largish computer on board small car? (4)
10 Alexander's surname may have a familiar ring to it (4)
11 Report disc corruption giving information on data record (10)
12 Bob Geldof's program of famine relief? (4,3)
15 Asteroids in remote southern setting (7)
16 Supported by material of an explanatory nature (10)
18 In theory, they could be disjunct, null or universal (4)
19 Signal fluctuation gives the deaf a problem (4)
20 CHR$69+CHR$78 attempt access (5)
21 Dedicated number cruncher (10)
22 Angular academic achievement (6)
Alternative logical operation causes a riot here (6-2)
Multi-User Dungeon accommodation found at low tide (8)
Performed calculus operation on this type of circuit (10)
Spectrum command to send output to the printer (6)
Facsimile machine (6)
Bad bet badly positioned on the screen (6)
11 Not the same as the sum? - the opposite, in fact (10)
13 Someone and everyone - like IBM's micro (8)
14 Hand shaking? - pot color! (8)
15 REM, C, IT standardised internationally? (6)
16 Definitive start to finish rear-guard action (6)
17 Programming could be a dog in C! (6)


by Henry Howarth

News Issue 46 Contents Letters

Sinclair User
January 1986